American Foundation for the Blind
Access World Magazine
"TypeAbility is a fantastic program. It is very thorough in teaching keyboarding and computer manipulation. It is also very enjoyable to use and would be engaging for most computer novices, no matter their age. The program is very stable without any major bugs while the documentation is thorough, and instructions in the program itself are extremely detailed and helpful. The positive atmosphere and excellent instructions are the key aspects that make TypeAbility a great product. TypeAbility would be an excellent choice for anyone wishing to learn the computer with a screen-reader and for any teachers who need to teach typing to their students."
George Thompson
Perkins School for the Blind
"The software not only teaches typing skills, it teaches Windows operating system navigation and keyboard shortcuts, and provides many exercises for the skills students need to develop for successful operating system navigation, word processing, and general application skills. In my personal experience, students will engage with Typeability for long stretches of time, obviously enjoying its features and they will unwittingly improve their typing skills in spite of themselves. Highly recommended."
Jerry Kuns
Director Access Technology, California School for the Blind
"This Typing program is the best I've ever seen! It engages the students in a way that we'd never seen before. It's great fun for us, teachers, too, as we watch smiling students concentrate intently as they gain skills we'd never before thought possible."
Eric Damery
Vice President Marketing, Freedom Scientific
"Every time I show TypeAbility at conferences, it elicits howls of laughter from the attendees. And, sometimes at my own expense! For instance, during one demonstration of a TypeAbility lesson on capital letters, I inadvertently typed capital A with the wrong shift key, three times in a row! Not letting me off the hook, TypeAbility erupted with, "Holy macaroni Eric! Are you kidding? Don't use left shift + A. Use the right shift + A. Just hold the right shift key down with your right hand's fifth finger. And then type the A, with your left hand's fifth finger. Go ahead! You can do it!" Following its directions, I was rewarded with an explosion of 'Wuh Wuh wuh wonderful!'"
From VI Teachers Across the World
Bob C. Oklahoma: "I have used most all the other accessible typing programs with my VI students, but TypeAbility, more than any of the other programs, keeps the students engaged and educated through continuous and personalized responses and feedback. It’s often hard to get students off the computer at the end of their typing class!"
Carol B. New York. "I’ve started interspersing the typing lessons with the Dictation exercises, where TypeAbility dictates to the student in real-time. The different dictations cover a wide variety of challenges, but my favorites are the ones about numbers and money, and the ones containing lots of punctuation, line breaks, and indentations."
Khim T. London, England: "I wish I was a typing student again so I could have as much fun as my students have learning typing, navigation and text editing with TypeAbility."
Gail G. Florida: "My students especially enjoy the different jokes at the end of each lesson. In fact, since a joke isn’t available unless the whole lesson is completed, many of the students keep finishing lesson after lesson for the joy of hearing the crazy jokes (which can be repeated at will with a hotkey). I often have to tell a student 'That’s enough TypeAbility for today!'"
Amber G. California: "I’ve started supplementing the typing lessons with some of TypeAbility’s academic lessons, especially the Language lessons involving antonyms, and the Geography lessons involving oceans and rivers. These lessons are gems! TypeAbility continues to offer up surprise features! And I only learned recently that the content of the Academic lessons is tied to both the academic difficulty and also the current level of typing expertise."
Kodi A. Perth, Australia. "I recently started teaching a student who only has use of one hand. So, I use the TypeAbility User Preference called “1-Handed Typist”, which causes TypeAbility to ignore the proper assignment of the R/L Shift and Control keys that is expected when typing combination keystrokes like capital letters and editing commands. I also created my own 1-hand typing lessons using TypeAbility Teacher Lessons module. It was very satisfying to hear my personalized lessons spoken and handled by TypeAbility just like the default lessons, that is, with the same enjoyable prompts, humor, speed games, and scoring."
Cho C. Texas: "What I love about TypeAbility is how thoroughly it teaches navigating and editing text using key commands. I am personally wedded to mouse swipes, clicks and such. But, TypeAbility drills my students with key commands until the students are . . . well, a lot faster than me at selecting, copying, navigating and pasting. Their skills are proportional to the amount of fun they have in the numerous games where they have to select, copy and paste in order to rack up perfect scores. If I studied those lessons and played those games, I would probably gain the proficiency my students have But, mousing around works good enough for me, so I’m not going to change, sorry!"
Click here to read the full Perkins School for the Blind Review
Click here to read the AFB's full Access World Magazine Review