Thank You for Your Interest in Purchasing TypeAbility The foremost Typing and Computer Tutor for the Blind
TypeAbility runs on Windows PCs.
TypeAbility requires either JAWS or Fusion to be running. If they are not running simultaneously as TypeAbility, TypeAbility will not perform as expected.
TypeAbility is compatible with JAWS version 17 through JAWS 2023 and Fusion 2020 to 2023. During the installation of TypeAbility, you will choose whether to install TypeAbility for JAWS or for Fusion.
Prior to 04-20-23, the TypeAbility Registration Numberthat authorized your copy of TypeAbility, was tied to the JAWS Serial number. But now, since the release of TypeAbility 4.5.0, TypeAbility has its very own License Scheme which is totally independent of the JAWS Serial number. This means that if you update your copy of JAWS or Fusion, and the JAWS/Fusion Serial Numberchanges, you don't have to get a new TypeAbility License Number! In other words, once you license TypeAbility4.7.0 (and later) on a computer, it is forever licensed on that computer, no matter how many new versions of JAWS/Fusion you install.
Licensing TypeAbility on a computer is easy. Here's how to do it:
Purchase TypeAbility. You will immediately be provided a License Code containing a mix of letters and numbers. (The License code will also be in an email, and in your YesAccessible account.)
Download TypeAbility
Install TypeAbility
Run TypeAbility. The first time you run TypeAbility, you will be presented with a screen that contains the options to Get a Free 15 day Trial or to Activate TypeAbility
Activate TypeAbility. Just press the Activate TypeAbility button in TypeAbility's opening screen and then enter your License Code.
JAWS is a screen reader that speaks to the screen's contents and where the current focus is. JAWS is for those that can not, or do not, rely on vision while using a computer.
Fusion is both a screen reader that speaks and also a screen magnification program. Fusion is a combination of JAWS and the magnification program ZoomText. Fusion is for those visually impaired users who have enough sight to be of some benefit when looking at a magnified screen.