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LESSON 40. WORD PRACTICE. With the letters TH. 
In this lesson, You will be typing single words with both hands, and all the words will contain the combination of letters T, then H. 

LESSON 41. MORE WORD PRACTICE. With the letters TH. 
This lesson is just like the previous lesson. You will be typing single words with both hands, and all the words will contain the combination of letters T, then H. 

LESSON 42. PHRASES with the letter T. 
In this lesson, you will be typing 3 words at a time. And most of the words will contain the letters T and H. 

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the keys in the 6 pack, including the DELETE key. You already know how to find the  DELETE key in the NUMPAD. Now, the DELETE key is a really cool key. If you type something wrong, then you can use the  DELETE key to erase it. Now, the six-pack is a group of 6 keys, that's just above the ARROW keys. The 6 pack usually has 2 rows of keys, so each row will have 3 keys in it. But sometimes the 6 pack has 3 rows of keys. In that case, there are 2 keys in each row.  Most of the keys in the 6 pack help you jump to different places in the text, so they're really great time savers. 

In this lesson, you will be working inside a dialog window. A dialog window has several places in it, and you can move to each place by pressing TAB or pressing SHIFT+TAB. During this lesson, you'll be working In a dialog window that has 2 buttons. The OK  button, and the Cancel button. Also, in this dialog, you will find 2 edit windows where you can type text. The first edit window is called Box 1. And the second edit window is called Box 2. You can type text in both edit windows. 

LESSON 45. GAME 5. WRONG LETTER. Find and Delete It. 
In this game, you won't be adding a letter, but rather you will be removing a letter instead. You will find that one of the words on the screen has an extra letter. So your job is to find the word with the extra letter and then use the DELETE key to erase that extra letter.  And remember, the DELETE key deletes the letter to the right of the typing cursor.  So, for instance, if you ARROW to someplace and you hear G, then that means that the letter G is just to the right of the typing cursor. So if you press DELETE, then the letter G  will be deleted.  

LESSON 46. GAME 6. WRONG LETTER. Press END, Find & Delete It. 
In this game, you will be looking for a wrong letter and then deleting it. And as you'll find out, the wrong letter is always in the last word of the sentence. So, wouldn't it be nice to just jump to the end of the line, and then delete the wrong letter from the last word? Well, instead of pressing CONTROL+RIGHT ARROW a bunch of times, until you hear Blank, wouldn't it be faster to get to the end of the line by pressing the END key from the 6 pack? Then after you press the END key, you can back up to the beginning of the last word by pressing CONTROL+LEFT ARROW. And then you can use your RIGHT and LEFT ARROWS to find the wrong letter. 

LESSON 47. GAME 7. WRONG LETTER. HOME, Find, Delete & Replace. 
In this game, you will be looking for a wrong letter, then deleting it, and then typing the correct letter. Now In all the previous Games,  the typing cursor always started out at the beginning of the line. But in this game, the typing cursor is going to start out at the end of the line. That's right. The typing cursor is going to start out at the end of the line. So, to find the wrong letter you will have to navigate to the left. 

In this lesson, you're going to learn the key combinations for selecting text. For instance, you can select one letter or select a whole word. Or you can even select all the words in a document. And once the text is selected you can do different things with it. For instance, you can delete the selected text, or you can cut the selected text. Or you can copy the selected text. And if you do copy or cut the selected text then you can do something very cool. You can paste the text that you copied or cut, into a different part of the document. That way you can rearrange what you have typed without having to type it over again. Now, the hotkeys for selecting almost always include holding down the SHIFT key with your left hand's fifth finger and then with the SHIFT held down, you then press another key with your right hand. 

In this game, you will be in a dialog window where you will be selecting the text, and then deleting the selected text. Now make sure that before you start selecting and deleting, you always press the UP ARROW to read what the text really is. And then after you edit the text, do another UP ARROW to read the results of your editing. 

In this game, you will find sentences printed on the screen with wrong words that need to be erased. So you have to select the words with CONTROL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW and then delete them. If you find several bad words next to each other then you can keep CONTROL+SHIFT held down, and keep pressing the RIGHT ARROW until you've selected all the bad words that are next to each other. Then you can let go of CONTROL+SHIFT and press DELETE in order to erase the selected words. Now often, there will be several lines of text. So make sure that before you start selecting and deleting you always use your UP and DOWN ARROWS to read what the text really is. And then after you edit the text, check out the results by using your UP and DOWN ARROWS to read the results of your editing. 

LESSON 51. NEW LETTER. The Letter Y. 
In this lesson, you will be learning a new letter, the letter Y. The Y is above the home row, and you type the Y with the right hand. The  Y is just above the H. So, to type the Y, use your right hand's second finger. 

LESSON 52. WORD PRACTICE. With the letter Y. 
In this lesson, you will be typing words. And all the words will contain the letter Y.  

LESSON 53. MORE WORD PRACTICE. With the letter Y. 
This lesson is just like the previous lesson. You will be typing words. And all the words will contain the letter Y. 

LESSON 54. PHRASES, with the letters Y and T. 
In this lesson, you will be typing 2 or 3 words at a time. And all the words will contain the letters Y, and T. 

LESSON 55. NUMBERS from the Number Row. Left-Hand Numbers. 
As you probably know, when you type a number you can spell the number with letters, or you can just type a number. Well, in this lesson you will be learning how to type numbers, not words. The number of keys is in the number row. And where is the number row? Well, the number row is 2 rows above the home row. Just under the function keys. You will be typing Numbers 1 through 5.

LESSON 56. NUMBERS from the Number Row. Right-Hand Numbers.
In this lesson, you will learn the numbers in the number row that are typed with the right hand. Numbers 6 through 0. 

LESSON 57. NUMBERS from the Number Row. Both Right and Left-Hand Numbers. 
In this lesson, you will practice all the numbers in the number row typed with both the right and left hands.

LESSON 58. NUMBERS. Becoming an Expert. 
In this lesson, you will learn to become an expert at typing the numbers in the number row.

LESSON 59. The BACKSPACE key. Erasing the Character to the Left. 
In this lesson, you're going to learn where the BACKSPACE key is. The BACKSPACE key erases just like the DELETE key erases, However, the DELETE key erases the character to the right of the typing cursor, but the BACKSPACE key erases the character to the left.